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Photo by Andrea Nairn
Common Frog
Quick Facts
Common name: Common frog
Scientific name: Rana temporaria
Length: 8-13cm
Weight: 22g
Lifespan: 5-10 Years
Origin: Native
In spring males croak to attract females. The male embraces a female and fertilises her eggs as she lays them in shallow, still water – frogspawn is a familiar sight. Tadpoles hatch, and over about 16 weeks gradually change into froglets: a process known as metamorphosis.
Is it a frog or is it a toad?. . .Toad spawn is laid in chains, not clumps. Toad tadpoles swim together in shoals rather than individually. Toad tadpoles are unpalatable to fish. Toads are not smooth skinned.
Adult frogs eat insects that they catch with their long, sticky tongue, and other invertebrates such as snails, slugs and worms.
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